Me and my beautiful niece, Alyson, who just turned 13!!!
Gage,Caleb and Evan barely squeezing onto the chair.
Playing stickers in their Elmo bed boxes, which are all assembled now in the basement, just holding off as long as possible before we make the big transition.
Momma and her handsome boys,Evan,Gage and Caleb.
Multitasking while taking care of baby Elmo.
Well the vacation is over back to work/reality tomorrow. This week was full of sickness for the boys, so glad we were home to take good care of them and spend alot of time together. Everyone seems on the mend, but Evan started us off with stomach bug,Caleb picked up a fever,Gage stayed healthy just a little tired, and as off yesterday Evan and Caleb have ear and eye infections. SO they have drops and antibiotics. The boys really are tough, beside their crusty eyes they have been such happy little guys, love those boys!!!
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