Saturday, April 18, 2009

Evan is a walking man!!! (one week late)

I have had many issues with my router this week but all is fixed, working better than ever, and now I can give a much needed update.

Rick actually had 3 days off last weekend, so we were quite busy going somewhere each day.

Friday we took the boys to cousin Jillian's b-day party. We had a blast and the boys really did great. Staurday Evan decided it was time to really take some steps and get walking! He has been walking now officially for 1 week and he can get all the way across the room. He gets so happy,giggling,and just throwing himself all over us. He can stand up from sitting and start going and he is doing fabulous! Caleb seems to be a touch jealous, so whenever Evan starts to get all the praise he comes over pretty quick and trys to take a step or 2. They are definitley making amazing progress!

Saturday we took the boys out to eat at a restaurant for the the first time EVER in their little lives. We went to Red Robin and then dessert at the Coldstone Creamery. Gage decided to go up to a strange man eating ice cream and grab on to his leg,hug him and rest his head on his lap. I tried to seee if they guy resembled any one Gage would know, and he definitely did not. Then we finshed off the trip with a stop in target for some miscellaneous stuff.

Sunday the Easter bunny brought many gifts, candy,puzzzles,coloring books and crayons, and a HUGE bounce house!! We went to dinner at grandma and grandpa's house, and then went home and collapsed. When you go from doing nothing but hanging out at home, to going out 3 days in a row, it definitley takes a toll. Thankfully Rick and I have a good system and he and I work really well together and everything is a team approach.

Gage coming down the boynce house slide.



1 comment:

krazanak said...

seems to me daddy is enjoying the bounce house a little too much ha ha who really wanted the toy.looking good guys all very handsome and growing well great job mom and dad we shall stop buy soon call for a date. love aunt renee and uncel dave