Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy 6th birthday Onyx!

Our little fur baby great dane Onyx turned 6 today. I can't believe it, and Drake will be 7 in March. Our little babies are ALL really growing up fast!

The boys have become obsessed with Onyx, and Caleb loves to roll over to her and just sit and pet her. She has a thing she does when she is very happy and content and it sounds like purring. So if Caleb goes missing, this is where he can be found. He will roll across the family room, climb up the step into the kitchen, roll through the kitchen, make a left turn, continue rolling and make it all the way to Onyx in the dining room front window. Drake is not so happy when the boys are around and he seems more annoyed and lets out little barks to make us aware of this. So Drake spends alot of time sleeping on the couch in the basement and Onyx gets the boys all to herself.
We put the tree up in the corner of the dining room and luckily the new choo choo wagon makes a great baby blocker for it. The only Christmas decoration fatality so far wasn't even on the tree. It was a felt reindeer wearing a scarf hanging on the kitchen door knob. Gage and Caleb managed to rip out the fringe on the scarf and then Caleb tried to eat the it. Evan let his brothers do all the trouble making while he was playing innocently with their new little people farm and accessories. I think he knows santa is watching, so he is on his best behavior.

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