Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am thankful for...

In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, these are the things that I am thankful for in each of my boys. In birth order:

Evan I am thankful for...
the way you smile and your whole face lights up
the way you kick your arms and legs in excitement
the sweet way you say "hi kitty" and the way you go crazy when you see the kitty, boy do you love him!
you letting me snuggle you, when no one else is interested
the way you roll around like a maniac, you are so fast!
your beautiful laugh and how often you let it out
your excitement when I come home from work and the ear to ear grin I get when I walk in the door
your love of all food

Gage I am thankful for...
your determination
your mischievous smile
your loud laughter and how easy you let it out
your ability to get anywhere by crawling, very fast!
your interest in your surroundings and desire to explore
your love of the kitty and how you say "hi kitty"
how easy you mimic and raise your arms to show us how big you are and cover your mouth to make funny noises
your love of all food

Caleb I am thankful for...
your sweet voice and how it is so gentle
your sweet smile and how it comes out so easy
your love of cameras and the camera loves you too!
the sweet way you say "hi kitty" and go nuts for the cat every time you see him
the way you snake crawl and roll, you are determined to get where you want to go
the way you are learning more everyday and mimicking making funny noises with your mouth
the thoughtful way you examine each piece of food and the eat it with such enjoyment
your love of all food, especially green beans

I could go on and on, there is so much I am thankful for. This time last year I was couch bound, just waiting to have the boys, hoping they would be born healthy and stay in the mommy incubator as long as possible. Now here we are, only 2 weeks until they turn 1, and our lives could not be better. Having the boys was the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I cannot imagine a day without them. The amount of laughs and smiles we share every single day is priceless. I cherish every moment with them, knowing that all too soon this time will be just a memory.

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