Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Birthday preparations

On Sunday I brought out the scale to weigh the boys. They had not been weighed since their 9 month check up in September. Evan is now 25lbs, Gage 22 1/2 lbs and Caleb 22 1/4 lbs. WOW, they are all around or over 5 TIMES what they were at birth!!!! They have their 1 year well baby visit in mid December so we will get our "official" stats then.
Now the fun starts with making sure nothing is forgotten for their b-day bash. I am emotionally torn with their 1st birthday. I am so proud of them and how far we have come in a year, but part of me just wishes they would stay this age forever. I also always thought I would have 2 kids, 1 boy and 1 girl, and that when I went through the milestones with one baby that I would then get to experience it again with another child. Then came the boys,and now every time we reach a milestone is has a sense of finality. If we had all the money and space in the world we agreed we would have a bunch of children, but we have neither so I think it will just stay the 5 of us!!

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