Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy 17 months boys!(4 days late)

Playing in the back yard, Evan way in the back,Gage and Caleb.

Gage mowing the lawn.

Caleb looking cool.

Evan already multi-tasking.

I remembered to take their picture on 5/7 after dinner. Gage,Caleb and Evan.

The boys are doing great. Their runny noses stuck around for 4 weeks, but all good now. Evan walks all over now, I hardly see him crawl anymore. Caleb will walk when asked, but we still have to work on that with him. Elmo is their absolute favorite thing, they watch Elmo's world everyday. We have been getting the choo choo wagon out alot, nice for them to have their own space and they get their snack cups while we walk, usually cheerios or goldfish to fill them up.
The boys are just sponges soaking up knowledge. They know their hair,ears,cheeks,nose,mouth,tummy and toes. They know how to tickle their cheeks,rub their tummies, hug their brothers, give kisses,blow kisses,smell their stinky feet, smell their brothers stinky feet. So much they can do know and hard to remember to write it all down. I have been giving them baths all together now and it is going surprisingly well. Lots of things tossed out of the tub and more of them trying to be wild and trying to climb out of the tub and standing in the tub.
Mother's day was wonderful, I really enjoyed doing our usual and then going to Tricia's for dinner. The boys had a great time playing with all of Owen's toys and they really like all his swords,guns and hockey stuff. Boys will be boys!

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