Today was a great weather day so the boys and I took each dog for a walk around the neighborhood. We were out and about for around an hour, and pusking around 100lbs of baby(including stroller) really made me huff and puff, but boy it felt nice to get the sun on our faces.
We are on a new schedule with the boys and they now are down to 1 nap a day. I was hoping they would sleep a little longer stretch for that nap, but it has been averaging about 2 hours. We are now trying to get them off bottles, but when they taste milk in their big boy cups they stop drinking and make a funny face, like "hey, where the heck is my juice???" So we still do a bottle when they wake up and another before bed.
The boys are learning new stuff everyday. The funniest thing is now when you tell them they have stinky toes they hold up their feet, or they smell their feet or the best is they smell each others feet. They all pat their legs when you ask where their pants are, they know cow says moo, sheep says baa, just learning chicken says cluck,cluck,cluck.
Caleb has started to give kisses and I LOVE it, soo sweet.
In tooth news the molars are workin' their way in, so far so good. Some favorite foods now are teddy grahams,LOVE mini M & M's,mini marshmallows,colby jack cheese(really any cheese),scrambled eggs w/cheese,FRUIT,anything Grandma makes:)
My best friend Julie had her new baby a week ago, welcome Kendra Layne!! I cannot wait to meet her, and of course see the other 2 beautiful kids too!
Ok, I must get ready to go sleep in our brand new bed. It was supposed to come tomorrow, but they guy called and actually had to be pushy to get me to allow him to come today, so I had to sramble to get the boys busy and do all the stripping of the bed,wash everything,blah blah blah, and of course it was a bath night, way to keep busy!

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Melissa, I got the link from Cherie. It is so mice to be able to see how big the boys have gotten and it sounds like you all are doing well. If you get a chance check out our blog at These are such great ways to keep in touch with people. Corrine (Hosmer)Latini
Thanks for the announcement Mel!!! Kendra can't wait to come and pick out her future husband!
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