I found out on Thursday 1/15 that my mom passed away. She died at her apartment of natural causes and they found her on 1/9/09 at 2:10pm, her neighbor had not seen her in a few days so she notified the apartment manager. Too complicated to get into, but after my dad passed away in 2001 things were never the same and due to her mental state our relationship crumbled. I am very sad about this, but I am also stuck with alot of guilt too. Guilt that she never knew her triplets grandsons. But I am comforted knowing that she and her mind are at peace with my dad in heaven. I keep having this bizarre thought that I am now an orphan at 30, weird.
But that terrible day did end real positive with Gage taking his first steps! Rick,Grandma,Grandpa and me watched as he made his first shakey steps and has been able to now get across the room before taking a fall. Evan started to crawl on all fours on Saturday and there is no stopping him now, he is all over the place climbing on everything with his brothers. Caleb is cruising all over now he is getting to be so fast and climbs so fast too.
They all LOVE getting their teeth brushed, and will herd into the small downstairs bathroom and sit like little puppies waiting to get their teeth brushed. Gage will try to open mouth kiss his bros while they get brushed, not a memory he will be too happy of when he is a teenager.
Yesterday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Rick and my birthdays, I was 1/13 and Rick is tomorrow 1/20. We enjoyed a great turkey dinner with all the fixins' and had a delicious homemade oreo cake, it was so good and still good today too! Rick and I had decided this year to buy just a few things for each other for Christmas and nothing for birthdays(that is why the Toronto trip was a huge surprise) and we agreed to get a plasma tv and home theatre system. They are coming tomorrow with the stuff and to do the installation. No way we are messing with mounting a 58" plasma up on the wall.
That is about it for now, feels so weird to talk about regular things and try to forget about the sadness I have for losing my mom. I know I will grieve for a long time, but I am so happy that I can spend my time and energy on the boys. Seeing little kids and their innocence and their energy does make it easier somehow, and I have to be strong for my little men, they need their momma. Being sad and depressed won't get them fed,dressed or bathed.

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melissa, i'm so sorry for your loss. :(
but great news about the walking! your boys are ahead of mine there! :)
Oh, Melissa...I am so sorry about your mom. When Rick called I was so shocked to hear...and then I thought about how you must be feeling so confused...all of these past and present emotions swirling around in your head. You are a strong woman and will endure...just know that she is at peace now, and free from her demons. And you aren't an orphan...all of us love you!
Mel, again I am so sorry about your mom. You can now move on and you know your dad is taking care of her again. I'm sure they are sitting at the kitchen table, smoking cigarettes and watching t.v. together. I will still miss her as she had a special place in my heart. Do not hold ontot he guilt, you did everything you could.
As for walking...watch out! It's so cute to see them stumble like old men after a night out drinking but when they get into cupboards and things, it gets crazy!
If you need anything call me, I have been wanting to call but figured you were very busy and stressed so I didn't want to bother you.
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