Monday, December 1, 2008

Big boy dinner

As I have posted before, our current "challenge" is getting all the boys on more real people food and off the baby mush. Grandma and Grandpa were here today to visit and Grandma is a fantastic cook. On the menu today was vegetable beef stew with dumplings. For the main course the boys shared a plate of the stew and dumplings (minus the beef),a bowl of cubed sweet potatoes and dessert was a banana and a cup of sliced peaches. They ate off of a real fork and devoured every last bite! So far we have not found a food that they won't eat. On Sunday(yesterday) they shared some Tim bits with their breakfast and at dinner they tried fried chicken and french fries. Watching them experience all these new things has been so fun!
In teeth news, gage got a 3rd lower tooth last week and then 2 MORE top ones just broke through and were seen yesterday so the current count is:
Evan 2 top, 2 bottom
Gage 4 top, 3 bottom
Caleb 2 top, 2 bottom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh Tim Bits are Kane's favorite too! What big boys they are getting to be! Hopefully I will run into you tomorrow....